Monday, October 31, 2011

The New New World Order and OCCUPY EARTH

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and though distant, is close to us in spirit - this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

I am not going to mince words here: the very reason I am a proponent of the capitalism that has taken a strong foothold in the west, is because I firmly believe it to be the west's ultimate downfall.  A bit strong?  Maybe.  But taken in context to the type of individual who, while being born into this system, which may also be born of an innate greed and selfishness, you can almost distinctly make out why the West has begun its downward spiral in the last 50 years.  I'm sure my parents had little idea of the "real world" that they bore me and my siblings into.  Similarly, I wasn't as astute when my own children were born, beginning some 15 years ago.

Then again, my old man and I had always had these discussions about financial instability and the looming undermining and subsequent pinning under of the now woefully non-existent middle class.  But just like one has some idea that unwatched milk will eventually boil over, we are hardly ever paying attention when it does.  Hardly even when it boils over and burns badly enough that you have to break out all the “heavy metal” clean up measures to resolve the situation.  Worse still if you let the boiling over go on for too long; the whole pot turns to *”fecal expletive here”*.  Yet, we still applaude cream rising to the top.

Okay so I started out saying I was waiting for some sort of hyper climactic chasm of destruction, sounding like some anarchic communist.  Far from it though.  I myself was born to and raised to be more entrepreneur than laborer.  I was schooled in the very old fashioned method of “birthright apprenticeship”.  And before anybody decides to haul off and sound off on my being an elitist or classicist, PLEASE.  Can we be honest with ourselves and each other that while some people are quite comfortable and adept at doing the electrical, plumbing and other similar and quite necessary trades, there are others equally as adept at creating those opportunities?   

We don’t all need to be chefs but everyone should eat.  I was raised learning and knowing that when everyone eats, when everyone has a fair and proper portion, then all can eat in peace.

It is with those ideas of parity that I argue against capitalism.  You see, most people don’t really care that the people who actually create jobs, education and other such opportunities get wealthy.  In fact, that has always been part of the wholisic approach to wealth accumulation: providing opportunity and realistic access to upper tiers of opportunity.  Why should I mind if the banker or manufacturer that made it easier to raise my family, start my business and or take care of my elderly parents, earn an honest and comfortable living?  Occupy is not protesting against these people.

But then, that is not the system of capitalism that has been allowed to proliferate and metastasize in the last half century or so.  Greed has become the order of the day.  Greed, selfishness and obscene flaunting of ill gotten assets has blossomed into a tree turned on end, supported by a soon to be bare network of branches, that have for too long bore fruit that never ripened enough to rot and fertilize the root.  Now that rootstock stands, hands in the air, devoid of sustainance and, from routine lack of proper maintenance, woefully deficient to create even simple life support from the wisps it can reach.  Any farmer or gardener, anyone who doesn’t also receive subsidies that contribute to this upside down phenomenon, would tell you that the tree cannot survive without the root.

That is, a tree that, in a final act of desperation, cut back to an almost gruesome degree, can still survive if not flourish if the root is properly nourished and maintained.  Far be it from me to advocate for such gross aberrations of violence, but it seems the world we live in today only pays attention to raw details when some blood is spilled.  And really what are a few CEO's at the end of the day, if society at large pulls through this *”carnal expletive here”* a muck?  After centuries of the poor and huddled masses being made examples and martyrs, turnabout is really the only fair play.

In closing, give me back my old time, ancient African socialism.  Where the needs of the masses are made as important as the needs of the few.  Where when we only have one fish, no matter how big, we make soup.  When everybody has a bowl, who cares how many extra pieces of bread you take?  “We belly full and we no hungry”.  Oh, and to the Western world, get your greedy little grubby hands out of Africa.  You have raped and molested Her long enough.  Have you no compassion?  It is just like a sexual predator to forever taunt and haunt a victim.  “Give us free,” and let Africa be.  Or we may just be forced to take it.  And we really are everywhere so you won’t know from whence the tempest cometh.

Follow me on Twitter @JahKwasiAbahu

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