Friday, October 21, 2011

Grease Fire or Greece Ire

“I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, but the wheel that does the squeaking is the one that gets the grease”

Josh Billings

“We provide the grease that turns the wheels of capitalism,...” 

Robert Bright

Riots in the streets; fires and explosions.  Throngs of disenchanted pedestrians.  No this is not Egypt, Libya or Syria awakening to life during the Arab Spring.  It is southern Europe;  Greece to be more specific.  Yet the spark of the rage visible on the street is emblematic of a much bigger problem, much like throughout North Africa and Western Asia earlier this year.  In fact this problem isn't even just isolated to the Mediterranean region as evident by the whole "Occupy" movement that has taken hold here in the States and much throughout the Western Hemisphere.  What then?

It is the one-two combo of Elitism and Greed.  For far too long the world has been operating on a "rich get richer at any expense and poor get poorer to the rich man's benefit" principle.  They have siphoned off the top layer of resources and wealth of Nations, and now expect the people to take less and less; never themselves giving any inkling of self sacrifice on their part.  Corporations have even begun to believe themselves to be people these days.  People, who one can assume, have a right to huge resource consumption based on notions unbeknown to the every day man, woman and child.

And to make matters worse, it appears that if you get angry, as a non elite, and make some sort of concerted effort to express that anger en masse, the news media, who mainly have long since been the voice of the people, coverage makes you out to be a criminal, anarchist or part of some larger terrorist enterprise.

But I hope and pray that the people of Greece take a lesson from Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.  The lesson?  That a focused campaign to take down the established powers that be, will have the support of many of us around the world.  Many of us, who similarly feel the sting of the duelists slap in the face and the pang of hunger that creeps into the bellies of our children.

This is the moment for a real revolutionary spirit to flood the earth, not unlike the Great Flood that many of our cultures, no matter how different we live today, have recorded in antiquity.  An "Occupy Earth Revolution", to take this world back from the social elitist snobs that have profited for too long, and who have been allowed to reproduce themselves ad nauseum and continue in their petulance.  They tout "godliness" in their speech yet every motive, every action, is comprised of devilish ways.

It seems once again, had the world heeded the warnings of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie the 1st as He addressed the United Nations on October 6 of 1963, and had the world heard the voice of the RastaMan and RastaWoman calling for love and peace to become the ruling edicts around the globe, we may be at a different place in the earth history today.  I'm calling on all Rastafari, near and far, whether you be African or any other Nation, to help rise the voice of the people.  We CAN take back Jamaica, Trinidad, the Bahamas, Greece, Syria, France, Britain and the whole continent of Africa from these neo-colonial, neo-imperialists.  Let us not idly sit or stand by and watch the devils of this world try to begin this new millennium holding onto power they do not now nor have ever deserved.

I close with 7 words of peace and love, "GOD is LOVE, let us ALL love."

Follow me on Twitter @JahKwasiAbahu

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